Our New Hire Training (NHT) deep-skilling program creates project-ready software engineers and encompasses the following key points:
- Practitioner-designed, trainer-run program that provides the bare-minimum skills for survival of entry-level project-ready engineers
- 12 to 14 weeks
- 60-70% Hands-on
- All trainees write code that is reviewed, refactored and then redone
- Non-trivial practical assignments
- Conducted in project-like environment that’s closest to real life scenarios
- Deployed as confident, day-1 project-ready assets on training completion
- Companies spend their a big chunk of their annual training budgets in this segment. This offering provides a streamlined simultaneous replacement (about 3 months) for existing induction training, bench-time and shadow periods (previously 9 months)
- Helps save 6 months and about 1 to 1.5 lakh rupees per new hire
- Transformation at the bottom of the pyramid
- 70% success-rate for project-readiness.
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