Anticipating tomorrow’s issues is a challenge. Maximising our capabilities and developing new ones to meet the needs of tomorrow is not. It is easier than ever before – ‘Stay Ahead with StackRoute Webinars’ presents R Nagendra Prasad, Jayanth Lakavalli, Ravikiran Annaswamy and Sudeep Prasad on a live webcast, ‘The 9 to 5 of IR 4.0: Nine technologies transforming IR 4.0 and the Five actions to embrace IR 4.0’. | Wednesday, May 06 | 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm IST.
Key takeaways:
On digital transformation initiatives and how they are driven by synergy of digital technologies and automation.
How cutting-edge technologies create business opportunities to fulfil new customer requirements.
Action to be taken for tapping the full potential of IR 4.0 for competitive advantage.